
Home sweet home… it’s moving day! (*updated*)

I know, I know... the timing is record breakingly bad, but Home are moving to new servers, so some content will be offline. Sorry about the inconvenience. UPDATE: We're now done moving, and everything is back to normal. Yay.


Depeche Mode press coverage kicks into gear! *updated*

With the single out, and the album release rapidly approaching, Depeche Mode are in the press a lot at the moment. A whole lotta lot! Instead of posting everything as news, we will instead be sending out interview and review links via Twitter. So if you want everything, go sign up there and follow us... you find us at That does not mean the site's news section will be neglected of course. That will be updated with all the juicy news just as always, plus the occasional recap of the less groundbreaking stuff. While on the subject of Twitter, we are planning a few other...


Home. Redesigned and twitterified

So this is our new, updated design, to celebrate the forthcoming Depeche Mode album. It'd be foolish to hope you all like it, so we'll settle for most of you ;) . There's still stuff that's being tweaked here and there, so there might be some things that aren't quite working the way they should. If you stumble across any such things, please put it in the comments here, or give us a shout on the forum. We've also registered at Twitter, and will be tweeting updates and random thoughts there - you can find our Twitter page at