

As the excitement builds for the Depeche Mode press conference being held in Paris on the 23rd, the band are doing something really cool…. they want to answer your questions! They would like “everyone to have the opportunity to be a part of the experience” by letting you create a video on YouTube with your question that includes the tag: AskDepecheMode. Your video could be selected and answered by the band live at the press conference. The deadline for all video submission is this Wednesday, so get to it Devotees.


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  • Tamara


    Hello, I am trying to contact Depeche Mode and to see if it would be possuble for them to send a signed photo for my husband for Christmas he has every record, cd, dvd, blue ray by them, nd I know that that would be the best present ever for him. I was wondering if you happened to know who I would contact to see if this could happen. Thank you so much for your time.

  • Aston Villa


    Don't expect unusual questions to be answered. They won't be.

  • louis jacobs


    We miss you please come to south africa

  • Alex


    Ok, I think I will speak for all DM fans around the world, when I say that the biggest question we all have now, is - When is Vince coming back?! ;)

  • JPK


    I'm not sure 'Vince coming back' is the biggest question we all have. I don't think anyone would deny his talent, but the relevance of bringing someone back into the band after 30 years is (to me) questionable. Arguably, wouldn't the band be more inclined to bring newer influences on board - as they do through their remixes?