Recoil ‘Selected Events’ 2010 – USA, Canada and South America!
The Recoil fans in North and South America have a lot to cheer for as Alan Wilder has announced Recoil live dates through The US, Canada, and South America! After a successful tour through Europe, Recoil is ready to hit the road again. More dates and cities will be added soon on this leg of the tour.
Alan, along with Paul Kendall, are planning a few changes to the live set with some new films as well. Architect will be supporting and Conjure One will be playing on few dates too. Looks like there might be more guests to announce soon too! A special double bill in Chicago is being planned and details on that should be announced very soon. Lots to be excited about!
Shows confirmed so far:
10/18/10 Seattle at Triple Door
10/19/10 Portland at Aladdin Theatre
10/21/10 San Francisco at Mezzanine
10/22/10 Los Angeles at El Rey Theatre
10/27/10 Toronto at The Opera House
10/31/10 Baltimore at Bourbon Street
11/01/10 New York at Highline Ballroom
11/03/10 Santiago at Club Amanda
11/04/10 Buenos Aires at Niceto Club
11/05/10 Rosario at Patio De La Madera
11/06/10 Cordoba at Espacio Quality
11/11/10 Lima at Voce
11/12/10 Bogota at Teatro Metro Buy tickets
11/13/10 Quito at 21 Club
Also announced is a new Recoil App for the iPhone! An easy way to keep with all the latest news on Al and Recoil right in your hand! It will give you the latest news and updates on this new tour schedule.
To pick up the app, head over to or you can do a search for ‘Recoil’ at iTunes App Store.
Be sure to visit to stay connected with all things Recoil and Alan Wilder!
16 July 10 at 11:38am
Yes! I´m so happy!!!!!!!!!
16 July 10 at 11:47am
3 Dates in Argentina! This is so incredible!
18 July 10 at 4:29am
Alan's a musical genius. But I was at his New York show this May, and I must say I wasn't that impressed. I'm still not really sure what it was all about. It was like going to out hear tapes and watch home movies. Oh, well.
20 July 10 at 1:16am
I attended Alan's NYC show. It was pretty good but my only complaint was he took two hours to get the show started and underway. Don't make your fans wait like that. The show was pretty good but the videos seemed fragmented from the music. Looking forward to second time round NYC!
22 July 10 at 4:32pm
What about Boston?
23 July 10 at 3:58am
I'm so happy to see that Seattle and Portland are on the list!
28 July 10 at 9:03am
I have tickets to Portland! Can hardly wait!
26 October 10 at 2:58am
The San Diego show was very intimate and a great venue. Sound was on point and video was bright and clear. The Santa Ana show was bigger and sold out. Great crowd and lots of energy. Sound and video were outstanding. Alan is a genius. So rare to see electronic music is such nice venues. Recoil was worth 20+ years wait to see live.