
Depeche Mode to headline Lollapalooza?

Depeche Mode are expected to headline the fifth annual Lollapalooza Aug. 7-9 in Grant Park, reports Chicago rock journalist, Greg Kot on his blog. Though promoters would not confirm the information Friday, multiple sources inside the industry said the the band are a lock to headline the festival alongside the Beastie Boys and a reunited Jane’s Addiction.



  • bezoomnyveshch


    That sucks. I hope they don't. Lolla is about the last place I'd like to see them. Jane's Addiction is enticing, but I don't want to spend $300+ to see two bands (nor will I likely be able to afford it). Plus all the non-fans crowding us out just because they're on drugs and they were up front all day listening to the other terrible no-name bands that fill the rest of the event.

  • Scott


    this would NOT be good for my bank account

  • sheimwolf


    Wow, I thought the opposite of you, what a great way to find out about more great bands and you get to see DM too. And it's much cheaper if you buy in advance and you'll find that Lollapalooza isn't as you described it at all. You can sneak up close even while the band has started playing. I suppose you have never been. Not the drug infected place you make it out to be. I can't wait to make my annual trek to Chicago for Lolla!

  • barrydepp


    I cannot wait!! WOW!!! I'm speechless!!

  • modefan


    I agree that i don't want non-fans diddling around bothering me while i'm jamming to mode. I like that they are targeting an audience that may not be fans but i will get testy if they complain about the music.

  • me!!!!!


    well there goes the chance of vacouver getting a date.

  • CTejion


    DM should've included Chicago as one of the main cities for the tour, they have no need to be at the LLPZa, this is a huge mistake!!! Chicago deserves a DM concert w/ only DM fans,THIS IS NOT FAIR!!!

  • modefan


    CTejion, i agree. i agree. I'm guessing they decided to do LLPZa and the timing worked out where Chicago would be a good time/place. That being said, i've already decided that to get a true mode experience i have to travel to NYC or LA in addition to driving a short distance to chicago.

  • Kami

