L.A. Times: Depeche Mode finishes new album, reveals new songs
“We’ve completed the record,” the band’s frontman, Dave Gahan, told Pop & Hiss on Thursday via phone from New York. “There might be a couple of bits and pieces we’ve got to clean up, but I feel really good about the fact that we’re finished,” he continued. “I think we’ve made a great record.”
Gahan said the as-yet-untitled album, slated for release this coming spring, will have about 12 tracks.
“We’ve been spoiled for choice with this one because we recorded more songs for this record than we ever had for any [other] record,” he said. “Maybe I’m old school or whatever but once you start going over 12 songs, I think it becomes a little weird.”
Gahan confirmed the 2009 disc, which will be the first for EMI in the U.S. (the band has been releasing albums for Warner Music Group in North America for much of its career), will contain the tracks “Wrong” and “Peace,” snippets of which have been circulating the Web. Gahan, however, clarified that the actual title of “Peace” is “Peace Will Come to Me.”
Additionally, he unveiled the titles of three more new tracks — “Hole to Feed,” “Comeback” and “In Chains,” all co-written by Gahan — that are likely set for inclusion on the album. Gahan added that the recording sessions, which took place over the last several months in New York and Santa Barbara, were productive and that he and the act’s principal songwriter, Martin Gore, are working well together.
“We have about 18 songs,” he said, even hinting that the band will release a special EP or online-only add-on with the extra material next year.
But Gahan stressed that the EMI release will be just that — a proper record that doesn’t run too long.
Said Gahan: “I’ve been listening to the current play list, and I’m always still thinking of an album like Side 1, and Side 2. It’s like when you see a movie or something, and it goes over two hours and you’re like ‘OK, I get it.’ ”
So what will the new material sound like? Rolling Stone last month ran an “In the Studio” featuring the band, on which Gore was quoted saying the set has a “spiritual” feel.
“I know what [Martin] means by that, but if anyone’s thinking that the record will have a Gospel feel, it couldn’t be further from that,” Gahan said. “I feel like [the record] is [about] looking outside and a yearning for somehow coming together. The world is changing. Watching Obama getting elected was great. We watched it on TV in Santa Barbara and I get goosebumps thinking about that still. It’s going to take a long time, but I think some of that same feeling, that sentiment [of hope] is in the work.”
And though the band is increasingly fond of using guitars, the new disc may see a return to the Depeche Mode’s original analog synth roots — at least on a few tracks.
“Martin’s got this new fetish which is basically buying gear on EBay,” Gahan said. “He must have bought up half of the analog equipment around the world. We’ve got all these old drum machines from the 1970s, and even some of the stuff that we used in the ’80s as well, like old Moogs and Arps.”
As an example, Gahan noted that one of the new album’s stars is a piece of gear dubbed “The Colonel” – a vintage 1970s-era Steiner Parker synthesizer. It’s an instrument, said Gahan, “that makes crazy noises. We found it really inspiring and used it in a lot of things [on the new record].”
Depeche Mode announced portions of its 2009 “Tour of the Universe” earlier this year and is set to reveal U.S. dates in the coming weeks. Depeche Mode has maintained a strong fan base in the L.A.-area, thanks to such famed concerts as the 1988 Rose Bowl sellout captured in the film “Depeche Mode 101.” The band last played Southern California in 2006 at the Coachella music & arts festival.
“We had a great time on stage that night,” Gahan gushed. “It was one of those gigs where you just feel like you’re floating on air. I was singing great, the atmosphere was great, everything was right. It was very special.”
While Depeche Mode’s famously devoted fans await new music and tour dates, they have been busy bemoaning the fact that the band’s music has turned up in a Hilary Duff song. Her “Reach Out” heavily samples the band’s “Personal Jesus.”
“I don’t know what I think about it…. It’s a little weird,” laughed Gahan. “I think it was something that Martin didn’t really have any choice over, they kind of did it anyway. But, you know, it is what it is. Look, my daughter loves it. You know what she said to me? ‘But it’s not the same, Dad.’ ”
12 December 08 at 1:41pm
Exciting great news rushing up to us! I also can't wait to see Corbijn's pics and artwork fo the album.
12 December 08 at 2:01pm
Influenced by Obama...what a joke
12 December 08 at 2:48pm
What more could us fans ask for a great weekend...I'm so thrilled with the news I've read! So I guess there will be a single soon...Maybe even before Christmas? :D
12 December 08 at 3:54pm
Very exciting! And totally appalled by the Hilary Duff song and video I just looked up...
12 December 08 at 5:05pm
OOOW Eh!!! I'm wait it so long...
12 December 08 at 6:36pm
Awesome! Great to see they're using analog synths and equipment like that, love how that stuff sounds, especially with DM at the helm!
12 December 08 at 6:59pm
Fantastic! Home is delivering for the Devotees of the Universe once again!
12 December 08 at 7:04pm
i thought that dm.com was not in the business of posting "rumors" and only confirmed facts why they don't have this LA Times piece up - which is printed in black ink and NOT a rumor, is beyond me. Thank God we have d-m.com !
12 December 08 at 9:45pm
i'm a big fan of depeche mode i allways looking for anything that is related to DM and keep it on my cd-vynil collection and for this tour of the universe i think is going to be more electro-techno rave style of the millennium ) dj.Ereck
12 December 08 at 9:47pm
What a great article, and some great news. Yet again it's Home I come to first for DM news. Keep up the good work. Now it's off to find those track snippets on the Net...!
13 December 08 at 12:25am
Do you know the "NEWS" button in Depechemode.com website? That little button should be a link redirecting RIGHT HERE... DO YOU HEAR THAT JOHNATHAN KESSLER?
13 December 08 at 12:28am
anyone here agrees that the new website of dm.com completely sucks? or is it just me? (scary about the upcoming artwork).
13 December 08 at 12:39am
Thanks DM for new album, see you next year in South America,
13 December 08 at 3:58am
omg! im so happy! i cant wait to hear the album. ...and to see the website finished...
13 December 08 at 3:59am
btw....i love you!!!!! and i find it great that dave and martin are co-writting....that makes me think its going to be an amazing album
13 December 08 at 5:45am
I find it extremely hard to believe that an entire DM album could be solely influenced by Obama. That's just impossible.
13 December 08 at 6:45am
As a fan of DM for over 20 years, I am appalled over the fact the band are Obama supporters, no surprise though. I will buy the album and go to the Dallas tour, but am sorely disappointed.
13 December 08 at 7:48am
I've loved DM for most of my life. Right on to EMI...and to Gore for purchasing retro electro-gear! I can't wait to hear this recording!!
13 December 08 at 7:50am
Who would actually be "appalled" by political opinion, really. At least there's an opinion to be had.
13 December 08 at 11:12am
As always ... Home gives us the News before DepecheMode.com. Keep up the good work chaps
13 December 08 at 3:54pm
Last one was great - good melodies and the typical "DM-feeling" of yearning and falling into dark holes without losing the "cool pose". I love it. Hehe. Looking forward to nice placative popsongs. At this time i love Franz Ferdinand... after i listened more then a year to ONLY one album in this part of the galaxy - "PLAYING THE ANGEL". Especially the Gahan Songs "SUFFER WELL" and "I WANT IT ALL" are real diamonds to my eyes. Go on that way, dave! We will keep watching you - and enjoy it.
13 December 08 at 10:30pm
It' s so great to read any new interviews with DM members. I always feel like I' m reading about my friends. It's also nice to hear that Dave and Martin are doing well. I wish Merry Christmas to every DM member (including Alan Wilder - Your input will never be forgotten!) and hope to see you in Latvia on 2009 tour!
14 December 08 at 12:04am
Listen, who cares one jot weather they support Obama, John Mcain or whoever, its not relevent so get over it. What is relevant is there about to release a great new record and go on huge world tour. Of that we should all be gratefull.
14 December 08 at 3:41pm
ahhh its soooo great!!!! i cant wait!!! DM 4 ever!! xxx
14 December 08 at 7:47pm
Funny how one day a person can be appalled if you *don't* support the President, and the next day a person will be appalled if you *do* support the President elect, isn't it? Dave said something very positive and nothing negative, what about all the Toby Keiths, Dixie Chicks, Jon Voights, Sean Penns who use their status to demonize the other side?
15 December 08 at 5:49am
F***ING GREAT"!"" And , again, " Home " still be the better DM info source! Thanks for this great post, people!
15 December 08 at 8:38am
FastFashion90: since when wasnt music inspired by the world we live in? I'm sure Dave meant that the election had an influence on the group spirit they had in the studio, which affects the music.
15 December 08 at 9:08pm
I translated this interview for the web page in my country, Chile, and everybody wanted to know more about the new album...nobody made any comment about Obama...it's really amazing the cultural difference...we are now waiting for the dates in South America...we are not worried about politics so far.
16 December 08 at 2:25am
Alright, alright, whatever, I honestly don't care what influenced them to write their album, just as long as it's excellent as usual. And just as long they don't put up a big picture of Obama on the front cover!!! Ohh boy if that ever happens......
17 December 08 at 12:45am
I find it interesting that Martin is into old analogue gear. Just a few years ago (with Exciter and beyond), he really got into soft-synths; basically, creating music entirely within the realm of a laptop. I can't imagine the racks of gear this guy has now! And I DOUBT the entire album was inspired by Obama. Look, they've been working on the album LONG before Obama got elected. I think Dave is just saying that the feeling of hope that was felt during USA election night is the same type of hope this album conveys.
12 June 09 at 5:28pm
i want to now if depeche mode tour 2009 its coming to colombia sur america. thanks