
Exclusive Interview: Dave McCracken

Empty World 3’s Pete recently got hold of Dave McCracken, programmer on Playing The Angel, for a chat on the album, being a fan, and much much more. Read on for the full thing.

What were your opinions on Depeche Mode before you worked with them?

I thought they were fucking genius, I am a massive fan.

Considering Richard Morris has done a lot of the programming work with Ben Hillier on his other projects, was there a specific reason you were brought in?

It was just because I come from more of a songwriting background. Depeche Mode are very heavily programmed they are also really melodic, and also I knew their back catalogue, as I said I am a massive fan.

I never knew you were a huge fan.

Yes, I am a massive Depeche Mode fan.

I tried to make Dave Gahan’s songs and Martin Gore’s songs sound like Depeche Mode, they write very differently.

How were your ideas received by the band?Everybody’s ideas were welcome, their environment was excellent, there was no ego stuff, and everyone’s ideas were for the cause.

Did you have any say in which Dave Gahan tracks were used?

It wasn’t about picking the best songs, it was about using songs that fitted the album, there’s a song – we called it “Everything” – what’s it called?

I Want It All??

Yes that’s the one!

When it came out I was like “they did another song” because the title had changed. But that song fitted the album from a melodic point of view, but there were better songs than that.

What will happen with the left over Gahan tracks?You will have to ask Dave, he does have them. There’s 2 tracks that he loved.

What would you say was the most challenging moment for you in making the album?

“I Want It All” was very challenging, making it into a Depeche Mode track from a Dave Gahan track.

Ben Hillier told me that “A Pain That I’m Used To” was really difficult when I interviewed him.“A Pain That I’m Used To” was really hard, the chorus was brilliant, but the verses didn’t work, we did several versions of that, actually he’s probably right it was pretty hard. And “The Darkest Star” was fairly challenging, I had to play live piano all the way through that track.

It’s often mentioned that Fletch isn’t musically involved in Depeche Mode; did you find this to be that case? Did he have much input?

Fletch has something to say 24/7 – he is forever saying, “It should be this, and that”

He played bass didn’t he?Yes – we gave it him and said “You play it then!”

And it kept him quiet for an hour, his input means that the album isn’t too rocky or too avant-garde, he keeps it all together.

Did working so closely with the band change your over all view of them?Yes, they are lovely people, and it’s the best session I have done for many years, just because of the fun factor.

What was the hardest part of working with Depeche Mode?

Being shacked up in Santa Barbara, its fairly surreal there. That place could make you go a bit mad.

Do you think Martin gave 100% to the Gahan tracks?That’s a good point, part of my thing was to keep Martin involved while Ben was off doing other things, so we would come up with “Martin” parts for “Gahan” songs, and Martin was there 24 hours a day doing that.

Would you work with Depeche Mode again?


Is there much life left in Depeche Mode?That all depends on Martin, he says he can’t just sit down and write songs, its all got to come in my head, and then I can write a song in 20 minutes. I didn’t really understand until I saw how he did it, and say “John The Revelator” took 6 hours to finish it, to record it, its really quick, it just all came – so I understand where he’s coming from. But the future depends on Martin, and he’s got a lot to give.

Do you think Depeche Mode deserve more credit?England is the last place you want to be big, if you are big in England then you aren’t big anywhere else. All that matters is people around the bands opinion, and they all know they are good anyway. I don’t think the band worries about this at all. There are bands nowadays saying how good DM are.

How did it come about that you would produce the bare tracks?We just ran out of time, we had a schedule cos we had to get it out by a certain time. Me and Martin just worked on a few tracks.

How many did you do?We did 5, “Precious” is another that was done.

What about the version of “Free” that’s around?

That’s the first version we did of “Free”, we spent 2 days working on it, and nobody was into it, it was a bit “Personal Jesus” so we dropped it and re-recorded it.

Were playing keyboards for them intimidating in any way?It was so easy, Martin’s brilliant to play with, it was hard work, but easy, the good thing about Depeche is if you ask them do anything it gets done, they are such pro’s.

What happened to “Martyr For Love?

That was a different song, the first song we did when we got out there, and it was a brilliant song, the album took a different turn and we didn’t use it. But it was finished, it was like an electronic “T REX” song, it was a bit poppier than the rest of the album. I think it will show its head somewhere, at some point.

You were credited for playing the piano on “I Want It All” – how did that come about?

The credit is wrong, it was “The Darkest Star” that I played piano on.

What did you think about the choice of b sides- “Free” and “Newborn” are excellent, what can you tell us about “Better Days”?

“Better Days” is a full on punk – pop – techno song, we knew with about 5 weeks to go what tracks were going to be b sides.

Will you be going to any gigs?

Yes, Wembley and Barcelona, I am traveling out to Barcelona to help out with the DVD sound mixing.

Have you seen Depeche Mode live before?

Yes – I saw them in Whitley Bay on the “Music For The Masses” tour, I was 16, then “Violator” tour, the “Songs Of Faith And Devotion” tour.

What would you say is your favourite Depeche Mode album?

“Music For The Masses” is my favourite album by far. I see that as quite close to this current album, a lot of diversities.

When do you next work with Depeche Mode?Just in March for the DVD.

Have you heard about the 3rd leg of the tour?

Yes, Daniel Miller told me the first leg had been really good, but I don’t know much more than that.

Well, they are doing huge festivals later this year.

I can’t wait to see them.

I saw them in Florida last year and it was excellent!

Did they play “A Question Of Time”?


Wow – me and Martin had a jam at doing that, and we were crying with laughter whilst doing it.

You should see Martin’s stage gear – he has a Mohican wig and black angel wings.

Laughs hysterically.

Well me and Ben (Hillier), and Rick (Morris) and Steve (Fitzmaurice) are having a lad’s weekend in Barcelona, seeing DM, it’s going to be excellent.

For more information on Dave McCracken visit:

Interview by Pete. (C) Empty World 3. Do not steal this article without giving full credit and a link! Photo appears courtesy of 140db.