Filter Magazine reviews “Sounds…”
Some media outlets are beginning to post brief reviews based on what we can only assume are the first listening sessions for press around the world. The most interesting thus far comes from Filter Magazine, who lists two of the Dave-penned songs amongst their three picks for key tracks, and also names the album’s obligatory instrumental.
First Impressions:
-Grinding album opener, “In Chains”, is instantly grabbing with its tortured carousel machine music, and assures one that Gahan, Gore and Fletcher are back and have brought a lot to the table this time around. Do these guys even age? You wouldn’t have a clue here.
-A haunting synth line that could be a long lost cousin of John Carpenter’s brilliant Halloween theme palpitates through the lengthy spine of “Come Back”, a mysterious, hypnotic vortex of a track that might just be the very sound at the center of the Mode’s universe. A fine instrumental follows in the form of astral “Spacewalker”.
-The meandering instrumentation of “Miles Away / The Truth Is” seals the deal that Sounds is a record that follows through.
Key Tracks:
“Come Back”, “In Chains”, “Miles Away / The Truth Is”
Dave Gahan’s voice is as captivating as ever and Martin Gore’s songwriting is still in full form. Sounds of the Universe undoubtedly has a tortured soul, but it serves as foolproof evidence that Depeche Mode has no plans for retirement.
09 February 09 at 4:22pm
"A haunting synth line that could be a long lost cousin of John Carpenter’s brilliant Halloween theme" Wasn't that Black Celebration's intro? ;-)
09 February 09 at 4:44pm
I'm excited...anyone else?
09 February 09 at 5:04pm
Hi, anybody hear yet the "Fragile tension" song that is running right now in the net???, real or fake???
09 February 09 at 5:09pm
Here the same!!!!
09 February 09 at 5:43pm
sure am matt mate, sound like one hell of an album!
09 February 09 at 7:20pm
JUST TWO MONTHS TO GO!!!!!. I love that feeling when youve just bought the latest MODEY album and you cant get home quicker enough to play it.Its great when you have listened to the album about 6 times and you now all the lyrics. Reading these reviews is pure exitement. HELLO TO ALL MODE PEOPLE, MUCH LOVE AND RESPECT TO YOU ALL!!!!!
09 February 09 at 9:04pm
fragile tension sounds a demo from a dm sound a like from a depeche mode musical
09 February 09 at 9:06pm
Carlos G. - belive it is , it sounds like that.
10 February 09 at 3:37am
Nice piece - definitley makes one want more, doesn't it?
10 February 09 at 6:56am
Cannot wait!!! Very excited about the new cd. I also heard the fragile tension on the net. Sounds good!
10 February 09 at 8:29am
Sounds amazing!!! I don't think I have been this psyched about a DM album since SOFAD!!!
10 February 09 at 11:37am
Is this the masterpiece that we've been waiting for so long? I like the part when the writer ask, these guys even age? Cause I ask my self the same questinon everyday, now that they are almost approaching their 50's, It's so hard to believe it, Can you imaging? I started listenning to them when I was 15, and I just turned 37 Waoooo! and they still have the same energy and creativity. It's simply AMAZING! I have a very good feeling this time. : ) Long Live Depeche Mode
10 February 09 at 1:49pm
I heard 'Fragile Tension' and guys,CHILL THE HELL OUT!! It's not the definitive version,can't you hear it? You don't even have the full album yet and you're here sayin' "It sounds like horror,like a demo,etc...".Just wait for the album,period!!
10 February 09 at 3:51pm
Simply,amazing!! It's the Album I waiting for!! Very, very, very Dark!! Darkness than Black Celebration!!
10 February 09 at 6:17pm
I hope it's better than Playing the Angel..blehhh
10 February 09 at 6:40pm
Question: Why do they(DM? EMI/MUTE) have listening sessions for the press??? WTF!If fans can't listen to it, why should the press??? Who cares about the press and their ramblings: '...the key tracks are...' IMHO it's just a fair excuse to LEAK the album (HELLOoo), which wouldn't do us any good :(
11 February 09 at 2:17am
I think some guy from the press will put all tracks online! "It´s just a question of time".
11 February 09 at 3:11pm
lol at Daniel HDR! yes its only a question of time and then the whole album will be leaked, cant wait to listen to it! I must say i don't like 'fragile tension', sounds very lethargic.
14 February 09 at 6:27am
I love FT!!!!