Depeche Mode Located: Michael Rose
Welcome to a new series we are doing here on Home called, “Depeche Mode Located“. This new series will focus on fans who have searched out and documented locations where different Depeche Mode events have occurred around the world. This is a project I have been wanting to get going for a while now and wasn’t sure how to approach it since the idea of doing it is pretty overwhelming… as I’m sure you can understand. Then yesterday I came across some photos that made the project fall into place and thanks to Michael’s generosity, Depeche Mode Located is now a reality.
Michael Rose is a big Depeche Mode fan from The U.K. and while on a holiday to The US, he visited some amazing Depeche Mode related locations. Not only did he find these locations, he put together some really creative photos to document it. The photos were taken by, as Michael described, his patient and accommodating wife Caroline and what they have put together is a truly creative and fun way for fans to check out some classic moments from some locations in Depeche Mode history. Rather than going on and on about it, I’ll let the photos speak for themselves. I’m sure you’ll notice, but note the T-Shirts he’s wearing at the corresponding locations.
Old Mission San Louis Rey, Oceanside. (Songs Of Faith And Devotion)
Nick’s Cafe, Los Angeles. (“It’s No Good” projection, Exciter Tour)
Rose Bowl, Pasadena. (101)
Old Kings Road Pub, Santa Barbara. (Martin DJ location. Hardcore fans will note the shirt)
Rose Cafe, Santa Barbara. (Exciter)
Sound Design Studio, Santa Barbara. (the band record there)